1. Forcep marks will be evident on the baby’s head, mainly over the cheek bone.  These vary from deep indentations to superficial bruising.
  2. Occasionally there is damage to baby’s facial nerves.
  3. From observations on a Post-Natal Ward, and what Parents report, it is obvious that these babies must have a substantial headache.  They are often quite irritable and unsettled.
  4. Increase in jaundice (due to the bruising)
  5. Difficult to establish with breastfeeding.
  6. Very rarely, the baby can sustain a broken clavicle as a result of forcepsDisadvantages/Risks for Baby – Ventouse
    1. The cap doesn’t always adhere to the baby’s head and there may be several attempts to apply the cap correctly.
    1. If the cap cannot be fitted correctly and keeps coming off then forceps would be applied
    2. These babies generally have a cephalhaematoma (a large collection of blood on top of baby’s head).  This can take several weeks to be absorbed.
    3. Given the above, these babies clearly have a headache.
    4. These babies are also very irritable and can be difficult to establish with breastfeeding.
    5. Increase in jaundice (due to the bruising).

    Research suggests that for women, a ventouse delivery may be a more gentle option than forceps.  For babies, both forceps and ventouse come with risks.

    For babies delivered with forceps, they also have an increased risk of specific birth injuries, including:

    • Skull fractures
    • Minor external eye trauma
    • Seizures
    • Minor facial injuries
    • Nerve injuries
    • Facial palsy
    • Bleeding within the skull

