Women MUST be empowered to optimize the birth experience and safety for themselves and their babies.  What can they do?

  • Take responsibility for your health and healing throughout your life
  • Choose a continuity model of midwifery care that will enhance the chance of a normal and undisturbed birth
  • Find a doula, someone that you can trust, and will keep your birthing space undisturbed and sacred
  • Ensure an atmosphere where the birthing woman feels, safe, unobserved and free to follow her own instincts
  • Reduce neocortical stimulation by keeping lighting soft and reducing words to a minimum
  • Avoid drugs, unless absolutely necessary
  • Avoid procedures, unless absolutely necessary
  • Avoid Caesarean Section, unless absolutely necessary
  • Do Not separate mother and baby, unless absolutely necessary
  • Breastfeed and enjoy it

Giving birth is an act of love, and each birth is unique.  All women share the same physiology, have the same blueprint and release the same cascade of hormones, given the right set of circumstances.  Our capacity for ecstasy in birth is hard wired into our brains, but that requires that we each trust, honour and protect the act of giving birth and follow our own instincts.

A Dutch Professor of Obstetrics, G. Kloosterman offers a poignant summary.

“Spontaneous labour in a normal woman is an event marked by a number of processes so complicated and so perfectly attuned to each other that any interference will only detract from the optimal character.  The only thing required from the bystanders is that they show respect for this awe-inspiring process by complying with the first rule of medicine – nil nocere (do no harm).”  Unfortunately, in today’s litigious obstetric world, Obstetricians have lost sight of this.(48)


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  44. Ibid
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