Adventures in Breastfeeding! – gotta love James Valentine from ABC radio, Sydney for turning this serious debate into a positive story – or stories! I have my own story, although it wasn’t exactly in public. When I was breastfeeding my second son we lived on a property in the back blocks of South Australia. Next door were 90 head of milking goats. The property was unfenced and at exactly 4p.m. each day many of the goats would come and eat my washing off the clothesline – they seemed to be particularly fond of cloth nappies! I often forgot to make sure the washing was safely inside, prior to 4p.m. The goats would bleat – very loudly – as they were feasting on my washing which would cause me to have a huge let-down (reflex). My baby never seemed to be awake at that time for a feed (unfortunately)! This went on for many months and my attempts to shoo them away, were all in vain. They are massive animals and quite intimidating, especially if it interfered with eating. Many breastfeeding women find if they are out in public, without their baby and they hear another baby cry, this also sets off a let-down, also certain pitches in music can have the same effect, and of course, having sex, especially with an orgasm. Ah! the wonderful, and sometimes funny side of breastfeeding.