The trees are changing colours. It is very beautiful here, in the Blue Mountains, with crisp air, clear blue skies and never ending colour changes. Here at the Birth Right space is the perfect environment to learn what your belief’s are surrounding birthing and bringing a baby into this world. In this very peaceful place you have a wonderful opportunity to discover why you have the belief’s you do and how these beliefs will affect your labour, birth and parenting. It is exciting to discover how these belief’s formed, to get in touch with who you really are and learn about the power of change.
This empowering hypnosis for birthing course has the power to change your directions into a truly positive and enlightening way. If you have current negative images about birthing, or are listening to negative stories about birth, reading the many horror stories that pervade our media, then I encourage you NOT to be stuck with these negative belief’s but to do yourself and your baby a favour and book in. We are adding more classes as the word spreads as women go on to have beautiful, peaceful and enjoyable birthing experiences.