Below is a link discussing how Kids Vitamin Gummies are unhealthy and exploitative.

I agree! BUT the issue is even more concerning.
What is being taught to children is you NEED to ‘take something’ to get better and improve.
This is a dangerous message.
- Do we want our children to grow up and be reaching for a pill bottle every time they feel ‘a little out of sorts’? NO!
- Do we want our children to know that they DO NOT have the capacity to heal themselves? NO!
- Do we want our children to grow up, seeing their immediate family members and others, all reaching for a pill bottle, (often for no specific reason, other than they have believed the sales pitch)? NO!
- Do we really want our children to grow up thinking it is normal to be plugged in to a doctor or natural therapist, which you must visit regularly – otherwise????? What might happen????? NO!
- Do we want to give the message to our children that somehow their bodies are flawed and they cannot live without supplementing? NO!
Is this healthy? Is this what the new ‘normal’ looks like? I hope not.
There are many ambitions and desires we all have for our children – our next generation. We want a good education, we want them to be happy, to have friends, to be kind to other children, to learn about respecting different points of view and much more AND all of this WILL be achieved if they have a healthy mind, body and spirit.
We must ask the question then, does having a happy healthy mind, body and spirit come via a pill, potion, gummie? Is it too big a stretch to link growing up with ‘normal’ reaching for a pill (natural or not?) whenever there is the slightest hiccup – to becoming a teenager/adult and taking ‘other’ substances (illegal or not) – because isn’t that O.K.? that is the very belief system they have grown up believing.
The ‘natural’ health industry is booming. It is a multi-million dollar business. The sales pitch is definitely impressive with some serious marketing strategies in place.
It is, however, very interesting to observe that many people believe there is a difference between taking a ‘natural’ product, vitamin or whatever, than taking panadol or some other hard core substances. But the message is clear, very clear, especially to children. If you are not feeling great (physically or mentally) then help is at hand via a bottle – of ‘something’.
It does not matter, really, whether it is Vitamin C, Endone, Panadol or hard core drugs. The message is the same – feeling low, feeling unwell, must take ‘something’.

- Let’s teach our children about how to be strong – physically and emotionally.
- Let’s teach our children the importance of having fun!
- Let’s teach our children some life skills – martial arts, dancing, sport, music and the most important skill – empowering them to trust and believe in their body to heal (most things), praise their developing skills, admire their handling of difficult situations, have fun with them and teach them the importance of relaxation and meditation (children love learning this).
Teaching children to have resilience and belief in their abilities is the key to a happy, healthy future generation.
Their bodies are NOT FLAWED and they do not need ‘natural’ pills, but instead show them how amazing their body is and how powerful their MIND is.
Imagine what would happen to the natural health industry if everyone STOPPED believing the sales pitch!!