Well the media, this week, have been on the bandwagon of cord blood donation. It can now ‘save’ everyone from developing Type 1 Diabetes! One interview, conducted on, none other than ABC radio (usually reasonably responsible), asked the expert Doctor about leaving the cord blood for the baby? One brave caller had dared to suggest this might be beneficial. The ‘expert’ doctor stated there was no evidence for this and there might be a few ‘fringe’ people who believed this to be true!! Really?? Can’t he read? – all the research which supports delayed cord clamping, including the World Health Organisation (WHO). This wonderful, iron rich cord blood, belongs to the baby, perfusing the new lungs and other vital organs at birth. Suggesting to new parents that it is common for children to develop Type 1 Diabetes is irresponsible FEAR based medicine. It is distressing to hear that the media, especially the ABC are not giving such important subjects proper balance.