Family Pressure can be overwhelming when you are trying to make decisions about where to birth, choosing a caregiver and even choosing a doula and pre-natal course. The family influences from day 1 of YOUR life, with regards to pregnancy and birthing, have been deeply imprinted in your sub-conscious. We know how challenging it is to explain to work colleagues, acquaintances and friends, the decisions you have made. Everyone has a point of view to share with a pregnant woman/couple! It becomes even more problematic when a woman asks family and friends for advice. It is a time in a pregnant woman’s life that she is highly suggestible, especially from those she cares about the most, and it is really challenging when that woman learns information and education that takes her way out of her comfort zone. I find, the women who I see early in their pregnancy, when they are still unsure and are open to and looking for information and education, always end up making the right decision for them and their baby. It is always hugely impressive when a woman/couple have made a decision, for them, which goes against the ‘norm’ that they have grown up with. Have confidence and trust in your birthing body to do, what it needs to do, to birth your baby easily and beautifully.