Using Inside Birth® puts women in a very powerful place – their rightful place – IN CHARGE OF THEIR PREGNANCY, BABY AND THEIR BIRTH.

What is Inside Birth® – a prenatal program for all pregnant couples teaching: how to parent from conception, teaching beautiful, easy to learn, deep hypnosis skills for pregnancy, labour and birth.
Why is Inside Birth® unique? – a program designed specifically to allow a woman to understand how her unconscious mind influences how she will give birth AND how to easily change deep rooted fears surrounding birth and to remove any blockages which may prevent her from enjoying pregnancy and birth.
Inside Birth® is quality education. You will not be preached at, but empowered to!
I invite all pregnant women to start their Inside Birth® classes as early in pregnancy as possible. We offer, and encourage, a dip/in-dip/out package. This is important because women should have access to this education throughout their pregnancy NOT just one-off set of classes around 30wks. pregnancy (which is generally offered). That is way too late to be receiving the most important education of your life!
Where has Inside Birth® come from? This is an important question and one that should be asked by all pregnant women – who is your educator?
I am Susan Ross and have been in the pregnancy, birthing business for about 40 years. I have a background in nursing, midwifery, child & family therapy counselling, family planning. I trained as a Childbirth Educator in 1983 and have taught many, many different prenatal programs and none ever felt like they were completely providing well for women.
I want women to understand about their unconscious mind and how it is the most important organ in birthing – honestly!
Here at Birth Right Training Academy, I have been empowering women for many years, showing them how to navigate ‘the system’, encouraging them to see the benefits in hiring one of our doulas, but most importantly providing Inside Birth® education. I am a Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner/Coach, and Time Line® Therapist and published author of 2 books and our Watercolours CD, which you will receive free at your first class.
Inside Birth® are techniques not just for labour and birthing, but skills for life and ones that you can teach your baby, in utero and beyond.
It is important how a baby enters the world so if you want to give your baby the best start in life – begin with Inside Birth® – as early in pregnancy as possible. Learn how to have fun with your unborn baby and connect mind, body and spirit. Check out our IB Educators here: