I supported a woman a couple of days ago who had a very long labour. We started at home, she spent lots of time in water, transferred to a Birth Centre, and after about 10hrs. was almost fully dilated, which was welcome news. Unfortunately baby was very ‘stuck’ and was not able to move down the birth path as easily as is usual. A wise decision was made to transfer to the Delivery Suite. Some 4 hrs. later, still no further downward movement from baby. She was very upset, but remained brave, strong, and even maintained a sense of humour. The attitude of the midwives left a lot to be desired. One very, very, young midwife sat on the edge of the bed and told her that it really, really hurts to have a baby and she should expect to have a lot of pain! and that her baby was ‘distressed’. Amazingly this woman had the strength to inform the midwife that she was absolutely O.K. and her baby also was O.K. and was NOT distressed. She was right, of course, and I felt very proud that this once fearful woman, had learned throughout her pregnancy, by doing HypnoBirthing and having a doula, to now come full circle and feel so empowered – especially at this stage. She did have a caesarean section – one of the few that is actually ‘needed’, and her and baby are doing well.