Personal Power can so easily be eroded by the medical profession, especially during pregnancy. Do you feel like you don’t know anything? Are you being bombarded with questions about your medical history, drug and alcohol history, obstetric history? Are you being ‘told’ what to do? Are you being ‘directed’ to have so many tests? Do you feel you don’t have any control over your pregnancy? Do you feel you need to hand over your power to the medical professionals – because they are ‘the experts’?
Well guess what? no-one knows your body better than you! no-one knows your growing unborn baby better than you do! Pregnancy and birth are normal life events and yet women all over the world are being bullied into believing they know nothing and they need to hand over all their care and be ‘directed’ by policies and protocols of hospital institutions.
It is time for you to reclaim your Personal Power and TRUST in your body and tune in to your instincts. The hypnobirthing pre-natal program will enlighten you in just how beautiful and simple pregnancy and birthing is. Join us in the beautiful Blue Mountains and learn about your growing baby, connecting on the inside, trusting your instincts and how to get the best out of the ‘system’. Next course 5th & 6th Jan. 2013