Many women end up in a hospital pre-natal class (also called ante-natal, childbirth education, parenting classes – all very confusing) by default. I recently saw a couple who were 10wks. pregnant. They had not only booked their private obstetrician, private hospital but said the Obstetrician had ‘automatically’ booked them into the hospital classes. Absolutely no mention of CHOICE! She did not know, as most women don’t, that she has a choice. I know it is very confusing for a newly pregnant person to do all this shopping around (Birth Right book is designed to help), but there is a huge difference between doing a hospital based class compared to a class with an independent childbirth educator. The majority of hospital classes are based on pain management, hospital policies (i.e. what you can and cannot do!) and scare tactics. When shopping around for an independent educator, it is important to ask about their qualification, experience and philosophy of the class. The content of any good, pre-natal education, should be unbiased, research based information discussing the beauty and joy of birthing. They should be empowering women to trust in their birthing body and connect with their baby. Without question our hypnobirthing class does just this, ande more, teaching a life skill for all to use. Dad’s love the techniques, often using them in their work. Women leave the course feeling very calm, confident and at peace with this new found knowledge. Classes book out quickly so check out our available dates or ring/email to enquire about private one-on-one sessions.