One day this week as I was watching a well known morning breakfast TV program, I was horrified once again at the comments regarding pregnant women. I do wish that the media would keep their mouth shut when it comes to pregnancy and birthing issues. The discussion was around weight and how women are obsessed with their weight post baby. This all came about after Beyonce’s outings!! looking nothing like a new Mum! The well know presenter stated how uncomfortable and anxious she felt when the obstetrician weighed her at every check-up!! I’m sure she is an otherwise intelligent woman, but what archaic practice this is, and who would normally allow someone else to check their weight. Is a woman not intelligent enough to monitor her own weight, if she desires? Can she not read the scales, all by herself and then inform the obstetrician of the number, if she desires? and what has this got to do with the growth of the baby? – absolutely nothing! Of course we all need to be discussing with pregnant women the importance of good nutrition and exercise. No-one should be humiliating a pregnant woman by insisting she stand on the scales, being watched and recorded. Well that’s my soap box done for the week. Look forwad to your comments. Susan