OMG the media again!! I really wish they would source some accurate information before they open their mouths. On the Today show this morning, one of the presenters and our new Australian of the year, commenting on the article over the weekend about the need for more Birth Centres, especially, free standing ones (only 2 in NSW). The conversation went back to when Lisa was pregnant, in a hospital pre-natal class where they were told that 1 in 4 of them would have a caesarean. She was shocked to find out that it happened to her, after 26hrs. of hell!! Really???? Whilst the medical reasons for a caesarean section are very few, there are many ‘other’ causes of this happening. If a woman has the ‘suggestion’, from so-called ‘experts’ (those presenting a pre-natal course) that she has a 1 in 4 chance of having a caesarean, then the likelihood of that occuring is very high. The negative suggestions that women get bombarded with from relatives, friends, work colleagues etc. are overwhelming suggestions for a pregnant woman but the media appears to have no sense of responsibility in presenting pregnancy and birthing in a positive way, preferring to base many of their assumptions on personal experience. No wonder many pregnant women have so much fear. Birth is a beautiful, and normal experience in a woman’s life. It is most certainly not a medical event.