When a doctor uses the threat of ‘big baby’, it usually freaks out every pregnant woman. This is a common and very overused threat.
Ultrasouds : A woman is then booked for an ultrasound, which confirms the size of baby! – or does it? Many women opt for the elective caesarean section based on this inaccurate information. Anna was told at 38wks. that her baby was over 4.2kgs., she had a caesarean and baby weighed 3.6kgs. Melissa, who was pregnant with her 2nd baby (her first had weighed 3.8kgs. at just over 40wks. and born vaginally with no problems), was recommended a caesarean due to 2nd baby’s are always much bigger and her obstetrician estimated this one would be well over 4kgs. Melissa declined and birthed at 41wks. a 3.5kg. baby! These stories are very common. In my many years of being in this business I have never seen a matching ultrasound weight with the ‘actual’ birth weight.
Fears: When a woman is told her baby is too big for her to give birth to, or other comments ‘ this would make labour very long and very painful’, or your choice is an epidural and forceps, or a booked, easy to manage caesarean’! I could write a book on the comments I have heard over the years but these statements from a ‘so-called’ expert, of course causes women to be extremely fearful and feel totally disempowered. It conjures up extraordinary images.
Why: So why does this happen? There is another agenda. An agenda that is about the doctor and not about the woman and her baby. It is medically irresponsible to make these outrageous suggestions.
What Can You Do? TRUST!!! Trust that you will not grow a baby that is too big for you to give birth to. Trust in your beautiful birthing body. Trust in your baby. Believe that you are very clever and have grown a very healthy baby – well done! Most importantly make sure you have a doula that can be your advocate on your birthing day and support your choices