Interesting article in SMH Good Weekend about the CEO of Yahoo, who was employed early in her pregnancy, and having limited maternity leave. She also announced she would be working, whilst taking maternity leave – whatever that means! Now we know that a male CEO would not be subjected to the same level of scrutiny, so I admire her for not discussing her birth or maternity leave with the media. Birth does, however, change women. She is impressively educated, and obviously has an astute intelligence, and I hope she chose to get the ‘right’ education about birthing. It will be interesting to follow her career at Yahoo, especially now that she is a mother. Can women have it all? and do it all justice? I think it is very challenging. A baby/child does need it’s mother (overwhelming research to back this), and many women want to have a baby and an uninterrupted career. No matter how much money you have or support systems/networks in place, this is still a huge challenge, the biggest hurdle – dealing with the guilt! Let me know your thoughts.