Mind training for birth is no different than training for a sporting event as an elite athlete.
Leighton Hewitt has just won his semi-final match at the Brisbane International in 41 degree heat, against an opponent who is 9yrs. his junior. For those of you who may be pregnant or planning to be, I recommend watching a replay of this match, (way better than watching some of the horror programs on birth!). Observe his intensity, his fighting spirit, his focus, his determination, his concentration, and most of all be amazed at his total belief in himself. He has no fear.
Women need this total belief in their ability to birth their baby, the way they want – normally!
Unfortunately today, there is so much fear sold to pregnant women, that it is challenging for most to maintain their focus and self belief.
Hewitt, like many other sports persons at the top of their game, have a team of very talented, supportive people, who provide training, correct nutrition, psychological support etc., but if you are pregnant, then you too can have great support and education/training.
Book into one of our Inside Birth® pre-natal courses, and delve into your sub-conscious mind. This is a fascinating journey to identify your thoughts and beliefs about pregnancy, labour and birthing. This program opens your mind to what’s really going on Inside your mind, body and baby. You will understand how your baby’s mind is developing and just how much you can influence him in utero, laying down positive messages, which can be deeply imprinted in his sub-conscious, well before he is born. Developing a beautiful, loving and intellectual relationship with your baby, in utero, is the most precious gift you will ever give to him. These imprints will set him up for a wonderful emotional, physical and spiritual life.
Supporting a woman who has really got to know her baby Inside and is looking forward to the amazing meeting on the outside, is a joy. Watching her connect, talk to, guide and protect her baby, moving through her labour, enjoying the sensations of her birthing body is truly wonderful. Feeling safe and well protected is essential for a labouring woman to get into her ‘zone’ and go to her ‘primal place’. A doula will provide this safe space, so that a woman and her partner can truly enjoy welcoming their baby into the world. Do not rely on the hospital system, public or private, to be your advocate and understand where you are coming from and the connection you have with your baby. Do not rely on them to provide what you want, when you want it, and do not expect a safe bubble to be automatically provided. I have been in this business for a very long time and counselled so many disappointed women, who did not have the experience they wanted. The disappointment stays with them forever. Don’t let that be you. I would love to chat to you further if you would like more information about our Inside Birth® prenatal classes.