What helps us integrate our experiences from our early beginnings?

We are the story of what has happened to us up until right now, from conception through labour, birth and to the present moment. This story is laid down emotionally, physically and psychologically in our connective tissue, in the fluids of our body and in our bones.
In utero, your baby is conscious, aware, very sensitive, intelligent, building neural connections and laying down memory.
Connecting with your baby – from conception is vital to produce a happy, healthy and emotionally connected little person, who enters the world gently, quietly with mother and baby deeply in-tune.
You are the architect of your baby’s brain and nervous system and the baby forms, according to whatever you are feeling/experiencing. Your baby responds to what is happening in your nervous system.

If you are stressed at work, home or wherever then taking an Oxytocin moment is invaluable. Oxytocin is released when you do anything that is pleasurable. This is especially important during pregnancy and early infancy as the release of oxytocin helps baby’s brain become wired with a calm temperament and the capacity to self-regulate emotional states, meaning their system gets hardwired to go from stress to relaxation, easily and effortlessly. If their environment (their mother) does this, then their body learns how to do this too. Oxytocin is what heals the body.
What is your Oxytocin moment? Walk in nature, swimming, music, reading, day dreaming (which is meditation) – whatever – Do this during pregnancy to establish a common, well-recognised habit so that you will have the capacity to return to it after the birth. It is a great skill to tap into for your health and to be in tune with your baby.
Birth is a big experience for both mother and baby. Adults have an understanding that the baby is coming from inside to outside but the baby may not know this. After birth, your baby may not know he is out, that he made it. This is why it is so important to create an environment of quiet, and for baby to only hear Mum/Dad’s voice, and to only feel the touch of Mum’s hands scooping him into her arms.
Did you know our Inside Birth® Educator Training teaches Inside-Outside.