For many, many years women became pregnant and focused on labour and birth and preparing material things for baby, such as the cot, pram, clothes, bootees and various other so called ‘necessary’ contraptions. Fathers looked forward to the day when their son was old enough to kick a footy around the park, and women looked forward to taking their daughter shopping for clothes and other ‘stuff’. Prior to the child being of an age where they could participate in these activities, there had not been any acknowledgement of the baby – as a person. In fact, from conception, through all of pregnancy and into early childhood, this human being was never regarded as an intelligent, cognitive and an emotionally aware being. It was believed by most in the professions associated with birthing, that baby was just growing physically and much emphasis was placed on measurements to ensure women were following the correct path to growing a physically healthy baby…..until recently…..
Have you ever asked your mother how you were conceived, how she felt physically, emotionally, psycho-socially when she was pregnant with you? Do you know the details of how you entered the world?
Now, whilst none of us probably want to hear intimate details of our own conception, it is important to know and understand the emotional circumstances surrounding that event. Were your parents trying to conceive? And if so, how long had they been ‘trying’? Were you conceived naturally and were you a ‘wanted’ baby? Were you an IVF baby? Some grow up hearing maybe one or two snippets of information, often along the lines of “I was an accident” or “I’m a change of life baby”, or “there is a 10 year gap between my older sibling and me”. My own mother told me I had increased her glove size and shoe size! (sorry Mum but it wasn’t intentional when I was in utero!) And I never understood, as a child, how that was even possible?? It’s not very often we hear “I was conceived in love”, “I was a very wanted baby”, “my parents talk about how excited they were knowing they were pregnant with me”, ‘ my mother loved being pregnant with me or enjoyed every minute of birthing’…..
And yet, this information is so important for our future . What happens in utero, all the physical, emotional, spiritual experiences of the mother, impacts the unborn baby, quite profoundly. These experiences lay down an imprint which stays with us forever.
We don’t do either birth or death very well in our society. The two most important events in our life and there is very little importance attached to either, and yet they are closely linked. How we enter the world and how we exit the world – matters!
If you are planning a pregnancy it is very important to understand about your own journey in the womb and your birth, especially if there was any trauma associated with this experience. The likelihood of a woman repeating the same experience as her mother, is indeed, very high.
If you have concerns about unwanted patterns of behaviour or anxiety, phobias, fears that seem to follow in the family, then hypnotherapy can help.
Hypnotherapy is a simple way of rewriting the unwanted imprint laid down in the womb. We all have one! If you want to make changes in your life or parent differently from what your parents did, or change the birthing imprint, then hypnotherapy can easily assist. You will be relaxed, you will be in full control, you will feel calm and most of all you will be aware of the power you have to make the changes you want – simply facilitated by a hypnotherapist. Make an appointment directly with Susan 0419606171