Congratulations on your pregnancy. You may be feeling overwhelmed with all the many important decisions that need to be made – right now! The main ones being choosing the right place to birth, choosing the right caregiver, choosing the right prenatal class and choosing the right doula for you. However, the key to enjoying your pregnancy is to be happy. A baby growing in utero is acutely aware of all his mother’s emotional responses. A happy Mum = a very happy and secure baby.

1. The conception. Yes, you should feel very clever at this achievement as there are many couples that struggle to conceive.
2. This new little being who has chosen to come into your life and have you as his parents
3. The amazing changes happening in your body as it miraculously adapts to support growing a new little person
4. The amazing changes happening in your mind as it miraculously adapts to support all the emotional needs of pregnancy
5. Your contribution to society by creating the next generation
6. Partner, family and friend support
7. How your life will change as you embark on this amazing journey of learning about parenting – from conception
8. Embracing challenges that may present during pregnancy – you and baby working together to achieve the best outcomes
9. Embracing all the new learnings
10. And be happy about feeling very, very proud
1. Knowing that having a baby is a normal life event for a woman
2. Choice – you do have lots of choices and just make sure you choose wisely as every decision you make has a direct impact on your baby (book a doula early so she can walk you through all your options)
3. The powerful personal transformation you will experience. This emotional growth you have, will change you as a person – embrace it!
4. The confidence and power pregnancy brings. Never in your life has it been more important to be IN CHARGE. Take control of your pregnancy, labour, birthing and parenting and make the right choices on behalf of your unborn baby.
1. Be proud of your growing belly. Take time to stop and take in that magnificent silhouette in the shop window as you walk down the street.
2. The first movements – gentle butterfly feelings to later more obvious and definite stretching
3. Extra attention from partner and family
4. Growing excitement about becoming a mother
5. Spiritual awareness. Many pregnant women develop an acute sensitivity to the world around them
6. A time to indulge in some serious pampering! Massages, facials, swimming, seeing movies
7. Music, music and more music. Your unborn baby loves music. He loves hearing his Mum singing and feeling her rhythms of dance
8. Connection – it’s all about the intimate, special connection a mother and baby develop. Talk to your baby, enjoy his responses. Tell him where you are going, what you are doing, discuss your feelings with him. You will be amazed at his recognitions.
9. Humour. Your unborn baby appreciates humour. This is a great time for Dad to share some jokes, or read out loud funny stories, cartoons, books.
10. Remember the more you communicate with baby, the more deep the connection grows and this can easily and beautifully translate into a wonderful labour and birthing. Watching a mother and baby truly working together in labour and enjoying this journey, is a privilege to witness. You know each other and are both anxious to meet on the outside. Birth can then happen easily and effortlessly.
There are, however, many women who feel a lot of anxiety and fears that prevent them from enjoying and being very happy in pregnancy. These anxieties can easily and simply be removed with Hypnotherapy.
Book an appointment today and discover how you can have a happy pregnancy.
Or phone Susan to have a chat: 0419 606 171