It starts from conception, pregnancy, birth and through the first year of life. This is the time in which vital foundations are established at every level of being: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and relational.

Experiences during this primary period form the blueprint of our core perceptions, belief structures and ways of being in the world with ourselves and others. They profoundly shape our being in life-enhancing or life-diminishing directions.
Optimal foundations for growth, including brain development, emotional intelligence and self-regulation are reliant upon optimal conditions during the period of conception, pregnancy, birth and the first year of life.
Optimal foundations for secure attachment and healthy relationships are reliant upon optimal relationships during the conception period, during pregnancy, the birth experience and the first year of life.

From the very beginning, in the womb, baby experiences and internalises what his mother experiences and feels. Dad’s relationship with Mum and baby are integral to optimising primary foundations for baby. Supportive, loving and healthy relationships are essential for optimising primary foundations for baby.
Babies are continuously communicating and seeking connection, in the womb and on the outside. Relating and responding honours their need for communication and supports optimal development.
Birth and bonding is a key developmental process for Mum, baby and Dad,that form core patterns with life-long implications.

The very best baby/mother outcomes occur when Mum feels empowered and supported and when the normal process of birthing is allowed to unfold with no interventions and no interruption in Mum/baby connection and physical contact. If any separation of baby from Mum occurs, continuity of Dad’s contact and connection with baby is vital.
Baby responds and thrives best when communicated with directly by Mum and Dad only, when left undisturbed with Mum, and when the process of birthing supports baby’s ability to orient and process the series of events.
When there are unresolved issues or less than optimal experiences during conception, pregnancy, birth and the first postnatal year, life diminishing patterns often underlie health issues, stress behaviours, difficulty in self-regulation, learning, attachment and other disorders that appear throughout life.
The very best way to have support and learning throughout this period is to employ a doula and enrol in Inside Birth® prenatal classes, which teaches communication and connection with baby in the womb and beyond. Learn these techniques for an optimal pregnancy and birthing experience.