Each of us has a unique mind, with unique thoughts, feelings, memories, beliefs and attitudes, which form patterns which shape the flow of energy and information inside us.
The beliefs and attitudes each woman has about pregnancy and birthing is first shaped by how she was birthed. Throughout her childhood and into adulthood these beliefs are reinforced by what she hears around her in her immediate family, especially her Mum and Grandmother. Stepping outside the family and there is further reinforcement from books, whether novels or pregnancy books, media, in all its forms – TV, radio, movies, with a forced belief about how birthing should be represented.
The representation is almost always misguided. Pain and suffering is discussed and shown in graphic detail. Each time a young girl, teenager or adult woman sees and hears this it absolutely reinforces what she already knows to be true.
So it is understandable that many women are left with mixed feelings about the birth of their babies. Around a third of women feel traumatised after giving birth, with around 5% of women suffering post-traumatic stress disorder. And women who have had medical intervention, especially instrumental or caesarean section, at an increased risk.
Pain is what women fear most. The word pain has its roots in the Latin word, meaning punishment. Basically pain is simply your body sending some electrical signals which your brain interprets as pain. As we know form the use of general anaesthesia, if the brain doesn’t process the signals, there is no pain.
Just think about it – a woman who is pregnant has had approximately 30 years of negative thoughts and beliefs about birthing. These are deeply embedded and so it is understandable why we have such high medical intervention rates, in particular, caesareans.
Every minute of every day your body is physically reacting, changing, in response to the thoughts that run through your mind.
There are many studies showing that just by thinking a thought, causes your brain to release neurotransmitters, which control virtually all of your body’s functions, from hormones to digestion to feeling happy or sad.
Due to neuroplasticity, which is the capacity of the brain to create new neural connections and grow new neurons in response to thoughts and experience, the brain can change the structure of the mind. Every thought you have causes neurochemical changes.
Firstly, birth is not meant to be painful. Simply learning to understand where your thoughts and beliefs have come from, goes a long way to changing your view about birth.
Secondly, birth is meant to be beautiful and wonderful. Think about this: your growing baby is picking up on and very aware of all your thoughts and feelings, especially about bringing him into the world. So, how wonderful would it be to think only positive thoughts about birthing, and be in harmony with your baby?
If you want to understand the power of changing your beliefs and thoughts about birth and how to have a magical connection with your unborn baby, then this is what we teach at Inside Birth® prenatal classes. It is simple, beautiful and a true life skill that you and baby will have forever. Enjoying your labour and birth and welcoming your baby into the world in a quiet and peaceful way is your birthright.