How many times have you heard from friends “I did blah blah prenatal classes, who promoted ‘natural birth’, and it didn’t work? I practised and practised all the techniques and nothing worked! Everything that could go wrong, did go wrong.” These women are left disillusioned, disappointed, deeply traumatised with profound feelings of failure. So why does this happen?
So many available. So many promises. So many ‘trends’ that come and go, each giving subliminal promises of a great birthing experience. There are many classes that can instantly be dismissed – you know the ones – fear based, scary birthing institutions, who own shameful statistics on medical interventions in labour. And there are many others ‘experts’ and teach (i.e. TELL) women how to birth. And there are those that promote deep relaxation, meditation and hypnosis techniques, most are great.
There is so much emphasis on the word ‘natural’, but in this context, I find it irksome! I want Women to focus on having a ‘normal’ pregnancy and a ‘normal’ birth. Just be normal. Being pregnant and giving birth is a very normal event and what women are designed to do. ‘Normal’ is a word the medical profession can understand whereas ‘natural’ is a very different concept which causes confusion and a ‘natural’ objection.
When a motivated pregnant woman chooses one of the above classes (dismissing the fear based ones), that resonates with her and she commit’s to the ‘method’, it is understandably devastating when the birth goes pear-shaped.
So what goes wrong? Is it the fault of the prenatal educator, or the class content or is it unrealistic expectations?
Whilst these may influence outcomes, it is not the main reason.

The answer lies in the subconscious mind. For many, many women, they need to prepare their mind by exploring their fears and anxieties BEFORE they attend a ‘good’ prenatal program. This prepares the mind for unconditionally accepting and committing to the ideas and suggestions given in a ‘good’ prenatal class, and is much more likely to result in having the normal birth experience she wants.
The subconscious mind maintains the storage bank of memories that include everything that ever happened to you – every experience, relationship, word spoken – everything. Not only are the memories of your every experience, good and bad, stored in your subconscious mind, but also the memories of the emotions and the environment that accompanied the experience.
This includes your own birth experience – how you came into the world AND even before that – your experience in utero. The majority of people have no idea about their life in utero and how they entered the world. They have never had the discussion with their own mother. But these are among the very first memories imprinted. What was your Mum doing, thinking, feeling during your pregnancy and birth? What were her fears and anxieties? This is where fears about birthing have their roots, and as a woman goes through life, many layers of anxiety are added through friends, media and much more.

You can have a beautiful and deeply connected birthing experience by eliminating these embedded beliefs BEFORE attending a prenatal class. Clearing the negativity from the subconscious is done quickly and easily using hypnotherapy and Time Line® therapy. Often only 2 sessions is required to create a clean slate, ready for imprinting your own positive story – for you and your baby.