Women are conceiving, growing and birthing babies with increasing stress in their lives. We only need to go back 1 or 2 generations to discover how relatively stress free life was for those women who were becoming mothers

Financial stress is huge. Most couples, especially those who live in our major cities, need to both work – full time. There are all those massive mortgages, rents and lifestyle choices.
I spoke recently to a woman in her eighties. She was a mother and grandmother. She just did not understand why her son and daughter-in-law spent so much money on going to restaurants – “why do you need to go out to have someone else cook when you could cook cheaply at home”! Her son was under a lot of financial pressure and this was a constant source of argument between them.
It’s tricky, isn’t it? Because life is just different NOW. There is no right or wrong but socialising is very different NOW to what it was even 10 or 20 years ago.
Yes, that starts ticking away for women, at least, and this comes with more pressure and stress to have a baby at a certain time in one’s life.
This is another huge pressure that is definitely in the forefront of the mind, especially for couples who are trying to conceive. What can I eat, what should I eat, what am I ‘allowed’ to eat? Healthy eating is very much ‘in your face’ for everyone, and if you follow the ‘experts’ recommendations, then it is indeed incredibly confusing – so many diets! Must not forget to go to the gym, run a marathon or two, book into yoga or pilates and get an exercise bike! Yes, the list goes on and on and on….
And all this busyness can cause so much stress. Human beings are affected by their environment as soon as they have an environment, and that means as soon as they are implanted in the womb. Stress that affected one generation will be played out in the next generation.
We must LEARN how to slow down, especially when pregnant, which is not just beneficial for Mum but IS A CRUCIAL IMPRINT FOR YOUR UNBORN BABY.
If the baby, in the womb, experiences (imprint) how to be in the present moment, how to be STILL, how to have QUIETNESS in daily life, then that baby will reference this in the future. He must learn this from his Mum during his life in the womb.
A baby is wanting connection on the inside and the outside, but if he learns how to be quiet and still, and the beauty that brings, slowing down and taking time to just ‘be’ then Mum and baby will together resonate and harmonise. Baby needs to be in rhythm with his calm mother. This will transfer to the birth experience. A mother and baby who are connected, have formed a strong bond, who have spent 9 months talking to each other, learning, knowing and enjoying quiet time together, this is indeed a valuable life skill to imprint.
Imagine having a calm baby, who is happy and content, growing up being able to reference these skills, no matter what life throws at him.
There are many ways to achieve this slowing down and if you want to know more about how this impacts you and baby then book into one of our Inside Birth® prenatal classes. It’s all about the MIND and you will learn skills for connecting with your baby and appreciating the importance of how you can lay down the blueprint for your baby.