The definition of ‘romance’:
“a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love” and “a quality or feeling of mystery, excitement and remoteness from everyday life”.
A perfect description of pregnancy and birthing – especially the feeling of remoteness from everyday life! What a beautiful design. And how many of us would like to experience this, even when we are not pregnant.
Creating a new human is the most extraordinary event you will ever experience. Obviously the event itself can and should be exciting, albeit quite short, but then follows 40 weeks of ‘romance’ – falling more and more in love with your little person, growing and developing at such a rapid rate.
A baby conceived with love has the very best start in life. Focusing on this very beginning of parenting, from conception, and getting to know this unique little person that you have created together, is the key to enjoying pregnancy and therefore birthing.

Falling in love with your unborn baby is indeed exciting and mysterious. It is a special opportunity to connect on a very deep level and you have a whole 40 weeks to introduce him to you and your world. This allows you to block out all the inane chatter that can easily fill your head with many fears. Focus on the true romance of a new and developing relationship and deeply falling in love. This must is the key to enjoying pregnancy, labour and birthing.
It is sometimes very challenging for a pregnant woman to block out all the negative ‘stuff’ that she will inevitably be exposed to – unfortunately. So often you start out in the romance bubble with love and mystery and excitement, only to find there are many who burst that bubble.
If you want to stay on track, or you have lost your way and the fears are creeping in, or you are doubting your birthing ability then I will introduce you to my secret hypnosis strategies for staying calm and re-connect you with your innate birthing power. Make an appointment: