The Roots of Love – Brain science and child development studies confirm that what we experience at the very beginning of life, deeply shapes our health, the way we live, and our life choices.

Many chronic conditions and mental health issues we face as children, teenagers or adults can be traced to faulty patterns in our brain and nervous system, including a distorted sense of self and an inability to trust the world around us. These patterns are physiological and rooted in the experiences we had at conception, during life in the womb, during birth, and the first few hours post birth.
Our first home is the womb, when our mother’s body and psyche are our world. We are immersed in the sea of her thoughts, emotions and perceptions. Not only do we develop from her nutrients and love hormones but also the toxins she takes in, all via that pulsing umbilical cord. These are the components from which we compose our tissues and organs, especially our brain.
Immediately after birth, and before anyone else has spoken or touched baby, our mother’s face, voice and body language is the mirror in which we see ourselves. Therefore how our mother experiences life, how she is treated – with joy and respect or neglect and abuse – profoundly influence how we grow up to treat ourselves, everyone, and everything we encounter.
We know how important it is to embrace and empower pregnant women, to support, educate and nurture them so they can focus on preparing their unborn baby for the outside world.
Join us in 2020 for a very powerful training
Inside Birth® Educator Training provides 4 days of all face to face training. You will learn how to empower, support and educate pregnant women in the art of true connection with their unborn baby.
After successfully completing the 4 days you will graduate as an Inside Birth® Educator and have the skills to set up your own business. We provide a lifetime of mentoring! Next training 3rd-6th April in the beautiful Blue Mountains, NSW.
Want to make a difference in 2020 and learn how to deliver ante-natal classes differently? then give me a ring for a chat OR read more info. here: