When a woman has grown up with the understanding that pregnancy is challenging, birthing is long and painful, and mothering is really, really hard, then that becomes her belief system. These ideas are set in concrete in her mind, both conscious and unconscious. No amount of reading ‘different’ stories and ideas is going to change this mindset. No amount of watching ‘different’ images on film is going to change this mindset. No amount of ‘convincing’ from well-meaning friends is going to change this mindset.
A woman’s belief system is first developed when she was in utero. What was your mother thinking, feeling, talking about when she was pregnant with you. What were her fears? Many of our mother’s certainly did not have the opportunity to explore or acknowledge their fears. Those ‘issues’ were just never discussed. So many women were born with a defined imprint, in their mind, about pregnancy and birthing.
Add to this the current media view of birthing, with much focus on the negative, the sensationalised TV/movie depictions of birthing, the medicalised view of birthing from obstetricians – they are doctors so this is the only view they can have! and the current very high rates of medical interventions, it is not surprising that women feel they face a huge battle to have a ‘normal’ birth.
Also referred to as: prenatal classes, antenatal classes, preparation for parenthood classes, calming, relaxing birthing classes and a host of others. This is truly very confusing for most women who have no prior knowledge of how to shop around for classes, or any other services for pregnancy. Most classes teach about how a baby fits through a pelvis – anatomy and physiology, how the hospital system works, some rules and regulations which expects women to comply with, drug pain relief, and medical interventions. Once again, these classes can reinforce a fixed imprint in the Unconscious Mind about birthing, and often women leave feeling even more fearful.
Our Inside Birth® classes teach deep hypnosis for birthing, allowing women to have total control over their state of mind, empowering them to be in charge of how they birth their baby. These classes DO NOT teach a woman how to give birth (every woman knows that!) they teach about birth and what goes on INSIDE the mind, body, baby, and how to set a positive mindset.
What thoughts you focus on will manifest into your belief system. The key is to first recognise your negative thoughts, concerns, anxieties and fears about birthing. As previously stated, they are very easy to have! I highly recommend attending an Inside Birth® class with one of our Educators, but there are many women who benefit from some extra support during pregnancy.
As a Hypnotherapist, NLP Coach/Practitioner, Time Line Therapist®, I see many women for birth debriefing and unfortunately, there are way too many traumatic birth stories that need healing! This could be avoided by having some extra one on one support during pregnancy. You will find the hypnotherapy sessions gives your unconscious mind the power to change negative thoughts, while you are very, very, relaxed. Your unborn baby will love his Mum being in this state and you will develop an even deeper connection.
The doorway to the mind/body/baby connection is the Unconscious Mind. Not only does information from the Mind affect the body, but there is substantial scientific evidence that your mental processes, states and behaviours affect all the cells in your body. In addition to healing, the Unconscious Mind opens new doors to learning and changing a belief.

When you are in trance (hypnosis) we can tap into real power to create changes, healing what needs to be healed and making new neurological connections.
You don’t have to live with fears about birthing. Make an appointment today and your unborn baby will love the positive impact this will have on his world and you will unlock the fears and have the key to enjoying a wonderful birth.