The brain uses a combination of logic and emotion when making decisions of any kind. … That specific emotion, innate to us as humans, is intuition. We possess the capacity to feel, and thereby the ability to know things without consciously reasoning. The “gut feeling” is real, and we use it all the time.
Pregnant women are bombarded with information, medical advice, non-medical advice and lots of ‘emotional’ advice. It comes from everywhere and is always overwhelming.
There are many decisions that need to be made very early in pregnancy with very little time to research ‘appropriate’ information to make the right choices.
Most decisions are made based on information from friends, family, the media, movies and Google.
Pregnant women feel pushed and pulled, even bullied, into making choices, without any time to consider the consequences for each decision.
Meanwhile you have a new little person growing and developing deep inside your womb, and with phenomenal speed. Cells dividing, organs forming – it is quite amazing and even magical.
We spend our whole lives being taught to override our intuition. We are taught to examine things in detail, research, think things through, really think about it. But instincts are not thoughts. They are grounded in feelings. And learning how to see through a thought-based reaction, to the instinct beneath it, is a powerful way to guide yourself toward a happy, healthy and connected pregnancy.

- You must quiet all the noise that surrounds you
- You must quiet the years of social training
- You must quiet the ‘white noise’ of social media
- You must quiet the barrage of advice
This is easier said than done. Trust that no matter how long you have ignored your instincts, they are definitely still there and are never more accurate than they are in pregnancy.
During my years of working with women to heal their traumatic birth experiences, the most repeated comment is “I knew it wasn’t right, I just knew something was wrong, I just knew that was not what was happening, I just knew this was not the best decision – BUT – I felt that “they” knew better than I did, so I said nothing”. This is the biggest issue for women to resolve, the overwhelming guilt and anger, all because they did not trust their instincts enough, to speak up for what they intuitively knew was right.
Today, it is more challenging than ever, for women to block out all the noise, to sit in quiet stillness and look inward, trusting and respecting their innate feeling. It is always right.
PREGNANT WOMEN – Always trust your instincts, they are messages from your soul
TRUST and BELIEVE that no-one knows your body and your baby better than you do. How could they??
Your body is a powerful intuitive communicator
Inside Birth® classes gives you confidence to trust and empower you to block out the noise.