1. Your doula is NOT medically trained. AND that is a good thing because birth is not a medical event.
2. Your doula is NOT going to have the baby for you! Some women do secretly want to hand over the birthing to the doula.
3. Your doula is NOT a babysitter for other children.
4. Your doula will NOT just front up for the birth.
5. Your doula will NOT just be ‘on call’ on the off-chance she might be needed.
6. Your doula will NOT replace a partner.
7. Your doula will NOT attend a freebirth
8. Your doula will NOT leave in the middle of labour
9. Your doula will NOT argue with the midwife/doctor
10. Your doula will NOT tell you how to give birth
1. Your doula IS trained to have a unique understanding about the physical, emotional, spiritual journey of pregnancy, labour and birthing.
2. Your doula IS your ‘go to’ person for independent sources of information
3. Your doula IS your ‘constant’ rock of security and safety
4. Your doula HAS no other agenda but to support what you want for your pregnancy, labour and birthing
5. Your doula IS your advocate throughout, supporting you to stand up for your rights and, most importantly, your baby’s rights
6. Your doula IS a support for your partner – supporting him to have whatever role he chooses, on the day, allowing him to relax and enjoy becoming a DAD
7. Your doula WILL be available to you throughout your pregnancy, for face to face visits, as well as phone and email contact
8. Your doula WILL make sure you feel confident and empowered in all your choices, for you and baby
9. Your doula WILL help you to navigate ‘the system’, as she understands how ‘the system’ works, and how to get the best out of it for you and your baby.
10. Your doula WILL work respectfully with all hospital staff, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted birthing experience.
Birth Right doulas are amazing women, of all ages and backgrounds who are passionate about nurturing pregnant and birthing women. Doulas make a positive difference at every birth. During labour, their primary role is to create an environment so that each and every woman feels safe, confident and protected, allowing her to release, let go, and focus on her and her baby and enjoy birthing and welcoming baby into the world.
Dad, Nigel, said of their Birth Right doula – “she was present without being a presence”.