It is diagnosed as ‘unexplained infertility’! Just that – unexplained, and is no comfort for couples who desperately want a baby. Understanding how the mind influences a conception and releasing negative blocks and limiting beliefs can change everything.
Hormones released in the brain are directly influenced by a woman’s thoughts and emotions – this is the cycle that makes a pregnancy possible – and it starts in the brain.
Your body responds to your thoughts and with the right images in your mind, you can stimulate and enhance your fertility.
There are many ways to naturally increase your fertility with vitamins, chiropractic, acupuncture, diet and whilst these can all help, the most important tool for conceiving your baby is your MIND. The MIND is the most powerful healer, there are no pharmaceuticals that can match the mind power!
You can use the power of your mind to influence not only the quality of your eggs but to understand the blocks that have prevented you from having a baby.
We have both conscious and unconscious fears about pregnancy, birth, becoming a parent, financial, career and many more. These can block a conception from occurring. Hypnosis is a way of finding out where your beliefs have come from and asking ‘why am I choosing to believe this’? and ‘where has this belief come from?’
Hypnosis can show you how to take control of your thinking and discover and change any limiting beliefs you have about conceiving. Conception happens when you see it in your mind, you see the pictures in your imagination and you believe a baby is on its way to you. Wishing, hoping or trying is not good enough, you must believe. This explains why couples in the process of adoption often conceive and why many conceive naturally after a successful IVF baby because they see and accept themselves as parents in every way. They buy things for the baby they KNOW is on its way, rather than the baby they hope or wish would be on its way.
Scientists are just beginning to understand the extraordinary capabilities of the mind/body and one of their findings is that when the mind is stimulated by positive thoughts and images it sets off chemical changes in the body.
Hypnotherapy will eliminate the negative thoughts and blocks you may have – unconsciously about wanting a baby and replace this with a belief that you will make it happen.
Activate your healing power within: