There have been quite a few ‘positives’ that have come from this crazy virus lockdown stuff and it seems one of the more important ones has been ‘time’. Having space and time to really consider one’s life, what is really important for you, your family and the community both locally and globally.

According to ING Bank, 28% have considered learning new skills to insulate themselves from future economic upheaval. But roughly 32% believe it will be difficult to find new opportunities.
Enforced lockdown, as extraordinary as it has been, has provided an opportunity, for many (not all) to reconsider exactly where they are headed in work and life. Is what I am doing challenging? is it interesting? and is it going to make the world a better and more compassionate place? Am I just a little bit frustrated, complacent, bored? Do I hate the endless meetings, the work politics, the ‘not so great’ work conditions, the unfair expectations of bosses? Do you sometimes find yourself thinking ‘I know there is something else I want to do but I just don’t know what, I haven’t found it yet?
A basic human need is to feel happy, challenged, engaged, enjoying extraordinary satisfaction and rewards in what you do.
I am in the business of making better quality humans. Yes, I know, that is quite a statement! I have been in this business for at least 4 decades and never before has there been a better time for you join me and the Birth Right team in making change happen at the very beginning of life, a new human, preparing to enter the world.
Mental Health is a prominent agenda for politicians and the media. The Covid virus has seen an increase in suicide, domestic violence, depression, anxiety and much more and whilst there are services available for help and support, I am interested in prevention.

We must start at the very beginning if we want to create emotionally connected and physically healthy humans. The blueprint for life is laid down in utero. Showing women the power of being in control of their unborn baby’s education, emotional and psychological well-being, and obvious physical health is the role you can have as an Inside Birth® Educator, Birth & Post-natal doula. Imagine being able to support a woman throughout her pregnancy, labour, birth and post-natally – it is the perfect continuity of care.
GRAB THIS OPPORTUNITY – book our COMBINED TRAINING and set up your own business with ‘guaranteed’ clients! Women are not going to stop having babies. Payment plans offered. I would love to chat with you directly and answer any other questions you may have.
Book here: https://birthright.com.au/product/combined-training/