When you study at our training academy I request that all trainees come with an open mind. For our 4 day face to face Inside Birth® Educator training there is no prerequisite reading or study before attendance. Why?
If you cannot change your mind you cannot change anything

Many people find being open-minded very challenging. We have all grown up with a fairly fixed set of beliefs and values, and it can be difficult to truly be open-minded and make change happen.
There are so many advantages when you can open the door to your mind and let new ideas and beliefs enter.
Those who are open-minded are willing to change their views when presented with new facts and evidence.
It is much more difficult to learn and embrace new ideas if you arrive at training with a set of preconceived views.
I want you to come with a blank slate, so you can learn, absorb, engage and have space to let new knowledge enter the mind – and settle. This also makes the training tantalisingly anticipatory, exciting and stimulating.
INSIDE BIRTH® – ‘delivering prenatal classes differently’
Becoming an Inside Birth® Educator and learning how to teach at this level sets out to challenge entrenched old beliefs. You will have the opportunity throughout these 4 days to discover where your views, your fears and anxieties come from and the importance of being open-minded when you are teaching these skills.
You will learn: ‘to be present’, to communicate for effective change, to teach hypnosis and some NLP techniques, how to engage a group, and teach the importance of creating the right blueprint in the subconscious mind of an unborn baby – from conception.
During the 4 day training you will be taken to a new level of birth knowledge and how to let go of what you no longer need
You will learn: that being open-minded will give you the gift of heightened insight and wisdom
If you want a change of career that sets you up for making change happen in pregnancy, labour, birthing and parenting – honestly, simply and powerfully, then check out our Early Bird Offers here: