Babies are conscious and aware in utero. Babies remember birth. There is undeniable research to support this, including the writings of the eminent Dr. David Chamberlain, author of ‘Windows to the womb’ and many other publications. It is important therefore for a labour and birth not to be rushed so mother and baby can work together, in their own time and space, allowing for a quiet, gentle entry into the world for the baby.

Unfortunately hospitals do impose time frames for a labour and birth. They do this for a number of reasons:-
- The bottom line is a hospital is a business, especially in the private sector. It is about turnover! – getting them in and out quickly!
- Safety reasons – obviously a birth can go on for way too long, compromising both mother and baby
- Different doctors/hospitals have different expectations on how long is reasonable, based on a personal agenda, fear of being sued, a personal bias toward medical intervention and a lack of understanding about the importance of normal birth for mother and baby.
All pregnant women learn very quickly about the time frames hospitals impose. It is a source of great stress and anxiety for most women. They are worried about going in to hospital too early and being put ‘on the clock’.
Birth, ideally should take place in a space where a woman feels safe, comfortable and empowered in her ability to labour and birth, exactly how she chooses. Labour will unfold differently for each woman, depending on her prenatal education her beliefs about birth and the ‘support’ she has. It should never be rushed and a woman should never feel pressured to ‘perform’ to an imposed time frame.

How a woman labours and births should be spontaneous, intuitive and in a space of stillness and respect.
The unborn baby absorbs all of his mother’s emotions, including stress, anxiety but also responds favourably when she is calm and happy. When a woman feels safe, connected with her unborn baby, is looking forward to meeting baby on the outside, then birthing will flow smoothly and without the need for intervention.

This should NOT be rushed.
There should be NO instructions given on ‘how to birth’
A baby does NOT need to be ‘delivered’!
A woman will birth her baby – without interference
There should be peace and quiet and total respect shown
No noise, no voices, no harsh lights
Allow Mum to ease baby down and out gently and quietly in her own time – this process should be slow
AND most importantly, when baby does emerge: NO noise, NO voices (only Mum & Dad’s), NO harsh lights and give Mum space and time to scoop baby into her arms when she is ready. A woman needs time to look, touch, listen and absorb this new little person she has created.
It’s this simple:
- HEAL your mind of all negativity attached to birthing – hypnosis sessions available http://susanrosshypnotherapy.com/talk-to-me/
- EMPLOY A DOULA – she will create a peaceful energy for birthing https://birthright.com.au/doulas/find-a-birth-right-doula/
- ATTEND an Inside Birth® prenatal class https://birthright.com.au/inside-birth-delivering-antenatal-classes-differently/