Everything a pregnant woman thinks and feels is transmitted to her unborn baby through neuro-hormones. A baby also becomes aware of his Dad’s communication during pregnancy.
Most pregnant women are very aware of the damage alcohol, nicotine and other drugs can do to the unborn baby, but many are not aware that maternal anxiety, depression or stress alters the intelligence and personality of her unborn baby by altering the wiring in their brain.
During the journey of growth and development for the 9 months in utero the unborn baby registers every experience in the circuitry of his or her brain. Whenever a mother strokes her baby, whenever a father plays with his baby/child, those physiological acts will be instantly converted to neuro-hormonal processes that transform the body and wire the brain of the child.

Evidence that babies are sensitive, cognitive and vulnerable to trauma from experiences in the womb and at birth comes from various sources. There are many women who have a natural connection and exchange of thoughts and feelings with their unborn baby, acknowledging their unborn baby is an aware person with whom they can converse and receive responses. Laying down this loving, intelligent blueprint is an essential responsibility that many pregnant women assume.
So when you have a very public statement from a ‘father’ announcing to the world that he is unsure if he is the biological father of his unborn child, imagine how that must feel for that baby. And yes, know that baby is very aware of this turmoil and stress with his mother and ‘queried’ father.
Every child deserves to know who they are and where they have come from. That is, who is my mother and who is my father. Your identity is essential to healthy emotional and social growth and is the RIGHT of every baby. Surely this statement from Joyce shows a lack of intelligence but most importantly, absolute disrespect for an unborn baby’s rights.
At our Inside Birth® prenatal classes you will learn the importance of emotional and intelligent connection with the unborn baby and how to lay down a beautiful imprint, preparing for a beautiful welcome to the outside world. Book now with one of our Inside Birth® Educators here: