BLIND FAITH is “belief without true understanding, perception or discrimination”.
So BLIND FAITH is when someone puts their faith into something without any evidence.

Once upon a time – not so long ago – most people had absolute blind faith in teachers, doctors, dentists, psychologists, psychiatrists and everyone had blind faith and respect for their parents. Children were taught this from a very early age and so grew a generation or two that did not question anyone in ‘authority’. As many adults could now report, as a child, it was simply not in ones DNA to question. This indeed made for a simple life in many ways, well, certainly for those in authority. As a child I did exactly as my parents told me and had a strong understanding that I must have total respect for my teachers and anyone wearing a uniform. It was a given. Those in ‘authority’ were right – end of story!
The problems this thinking created was unprecedented power to those in authority, many of whom abuse this in sometimes quite shocking ways. It provides an unbalanced and unhealthy relationship.
Questioning is a major form of human thought and interpersonal communication. It involves employing a series of questions to explore an issue, an idea or something intriguing. Questioning is the process of forming and wielding that serves to develop answers and insight.
No-one can make a truly Informed Decision without questioning, without doing due diligence, without shopping around so you can make the right choice for you. Having BLIND FAITH simply gives all the power to one person and in the case of pregnancy care and birthing choices, every woman has the right to question as all her decisions are being made on behalf of her unborn baby.
Take the case of one young ‘pregnant’ Dad, a 38 yr old professional whose partner was due to give birth in a few weeks. Booked with a private doctor and private hospital and when invited to ask questions his reply was – “I don’t have any questions or concerns, I haven’t done any reading or Googling because I have total faith in the doctor and hospital to deliver my baby and do the right thing”! WOW! So no faith in your partner to birth your baby???
This is quite extraordinary and concerning. Once you become pregnant you begin your parenting journey – from conception. Every test, ultrasound or other invasive procedure impact the unborn baby. You have a responsibility to question – everything! To show the baby you ‘have his back’, to reassure you will not let anyone do anything to jeopardise his physical, emotional and mental well-being in utero or on the outside. This is a basic human right for the unborn baby. Do not hand over your child’s welfare to anyone without questioning. It is Your labour, Your birth, and Your baby. It is no other person or institution’s responsibility. Begin at conception and always teach your baby/child to question. A hospital is not going to ‘deliver’ your baby. A doctor is not going to ‘deliver’ your baby. You are a birthing woman and you can birth your baby. Pregnancy and birth is not a medical issue. It is a very normal event in a woman’s life. Take charge and be empowered and question – everything until you are satisfied with the answers.
When pregnant for the first time, it is a brand new event in a couple’s life. It does not come with a manual, although there have been many attempts, in the form of books, television, and movies and with no previous experience it is often difficult to know what to ask and most importantly what answers you should be getting.
This is why I highly recommend hiring a doula who is experienced in guiding you through this process, protecting your rights and empowering you to make the right decisions for you and your baby
You can also find a list of questions to ask in my book: Birth Right
Most importantly do not hand over your birthing power to anyone. It is yours to keep and hold onto.